Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Looking into the mirror

How do you feel when you look into the mirror?  I know how I used to feel... ashamed, depressed, lonely...fat?  If you feel those things that shows that you have distorted body image.  Want to know why?  Because you are BEAUTIFUL!  So if you look in the mirror and don't see your beauty, your missing out.
Now, I can lecture on and on about how beautiful everybody is and how your body image is distorted etc.  but the real question is, how do we fix our distorted body image?
One way that has really helped me is associating myself with positive people.  Everybody is insecure about at least one aspect of their self but when I hang out with my friends, they like me for who I am and I feel accepted!
Second, Think about the things your body can do, not necessarily how it looks.  For example, Mine is strong.  It can bike, swim, dance, and throw.  I have to energy to play with my sibling and work at a day care.  I wouldn't of been able to do that if I wasn't eating right.
Reasons to recover:
1. Be able to smile again
2. To be honest, with yourself and others
3. Be happy! let your personality shine!
5. Not be consumed with counting calories
6. Have healthy relationships
8. Think about it, you only have one life...enjoy it!
9. Look at the beauty beyond the mirror <3
10. Live, Laugh, Love
and many more!

At this very moment, you may be saying to yourself that you have any number of admirable qualities. You are a loyal friend, a caring person, someone who is smart, dependable, fun to be around. That's wonderful, and I'm happy for you, but let me ask you this: are you being any of those things to yourself?
Phillip C. McGraw

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